Stabili-Teeth® Dental Implants: The Same-Day, Low-Cost Solution to Missing Teeth
Get started for as low as $114/month*
*Based on credit approval - We do not accept Medicare or Medicaid
- Dental Implants Completed in 1 Visit
- 5-Year Warranty
- Same Day Delivery
- Includes Extraction, Bone Grafting & Sedation
- Free Clinical Exam & Cleaning Every 3 Months After Implant Placement for 1 Year ($980 value)
All The Same Benefits, Less Than Half The Cost

What Sets Stabili-Teeth™ Apart?
Stabili-Teeth™ eliminates adhesives, missing teeth, and expensive procedures, offering an immediate and long-lasting stable solution at less than half the cost of traditional implants! Overall, Stabili-Teeth™ has revolutionized how patients can receive new teeth by providing two key differences:
✓ Same-day stability and immediate functional and aesthetic results from the NDI and conventional implants on the day of surgery—enabling patients to walk out of our office with a full set of stable, functional teeth.
✓ Engagement of all dental implants after the 4-month healing process for a dramatic increase in overall stability and longevity, by sharing the load among NDI implants and conventional-sized implants.

The Stabili-Teeth™ Treatment Process
The Stabili-Teeth™ process was developed to be straightforward and streamlined, helping patients with failing or missing teeth return to improved function and aesthetics on the day of surgery.
✓ Extract Remaining Teeth
✓ Conventional Size & Narrow Diameter Implants placed based on Bone Density
✓ The Provisional Teeth are firmly snapped in the day of surgery
✓ Final is Attached Once Healed